What is Somatic Coaching? 

Somatic Coaching utilizes the unique and often subtle language that is unspoken: that there are body cues; a breathe, a turn of the head, a tense area in a shoulder or back, a gesture, often associated with a painful or upsetting experience that lodges inside of our protective neuromuscular webbing.

If we experience these potentially threatening experiences repeatedly, our nervous system will have established a patterned response that often inhibits choosing any other response. This is associated to specificity and the law of facilitation in the nervous system. When an impulse passes through a certain set of neurons to the exclusion of others, it will take the same course  on future occasions and each time it traverses this same path, the resistance in that path will be less, which establishes a particular response pattern: emotional and physical.

The relationship between somatic work and coaching is akin to the relationship between you and your body. There is no distinction between the two except that we can do a fairly good job of ignoring the “signs and signals” we get from our bodies as we move throughout our day.  If we pay attention to the information that our bodies offer us, we live in the present, with much greater capacity to respond in an open and clear manner to the world around us.

Somatic experience pre-dates language; it is the language of sensation, not content. Our bodies express our beliefs about our world and how we live in it. Our posture, shape, gestures and movements are all a representation of our beliefs about who we are and how our world is organized. .These somatic experiences shape our bodies and the way we see and react to the world. They fully inform our thought processes and are then mobilized into who we are, mind and body as one and the same.



Advanced Certified Rolfer

Somatic Coaching
Public Speaking Coach

107 Jorgensen Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
(805) 886-3683